900–333 Brooksbank Ave. North Vancouver, BC
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Cabernet Sauvignon – Michael David Freakshow Lodi 750ml

SKU: 455345

$32.30 Plus Tax
plus deposit of $0.10

9 in stock

‘Year in year out, this is one of the best value wineries in the entire world’ (Robert Parker Jr., erobertparker.com, Aug. 2015). Tasting Note: A real winner is the 100% Cabernet Sauvignon, the 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon Freak Show. The label is amazing, as is the quantity produced – 150,000 cases. This is a heck of a value. A dense, rich, full-bodied, meaty, almost Mediterranean style of wine that is 100% Cabernet Sauvignon, possesses loads of black and red currants, notes of roasted Provençal herbs, licorice and loamy soil undertones in a dense, full-bodied, supple and silky style. It is meant for immediate consumption, but should age easily and hold onto its fruit for another several years at minimum. Score – 89. (Robert Parker Jr., robertparker.com, Aug. 2015)

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